I can’t believe Thanksgiving day came and already went. As always a good day for some reflection and for appreciating the blessings we take so often for granted. I’m so very thankful to all of my customers for your trust and for your business. Thank you!
I’ve had the privilege of building a very cool custom rifle in 7×57 for a client of mine. It left here just before Thanksgiving.
The client and I both enjoy the looks of the drop box magazines. Perhaps in a practical sense I doubt a good shooter will require the extra magazine capacity in a small bore rifle. But it does lend a rifle that awesome African look.

The action used is a GMA “Kurz” and I ordered it in a 33-40 style. Basically it has a few additional cuts in the receiver to reduce weight. I also added a thumb cut to the action. This to give it more of that original Mauser look. A problem was the un-availability of a drop box magazine for the 7×57 cartridge. So I shortened a Blackburn 30-06 size drop box almost 1/4″ and welded it back together. The floor plate then required also shortening and re-fitting. The magazine capacity extended to 5 rounds.

The stock wood is Turkish walnut and has some exceptional figure in it.

At the shooting range the rifle performed wonderfully. The Swarovski 1.7-10 x 42 scope contributed greatly.